Exploding books

For just under $300, a fan of Thomas Wehlim will have the opportunity to purchase the author’s next book and watch it explode a day after opening it. The self-destructing book is part of a plan to promote Mr. Wehlim’s next title, “Sex bomb”, due out Jan. 31 from Barnes & Faber.  The price tag of $294 includes a bus drive to an undisclosed location, two nights’ stay in a motel, a one course dinner with Mr. Wehlim and a copy of  “Sex bomb” that will self-destruct 24 hours after the purchaser begins reading it. Though the details of how the book will explode are being kept secret, Wehlim’s promotion manager Kathi Stark said it had not been a Jihadist who implemented the bomb. For another 1,000 free book copies, which however will not explode, already 26 fans have expressed their interest in obtaining such a copy. 

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