
It takes more. In the same year a birthday celebration, at which roasted peacocks inLull plumage were served, was attended by Ezra Pound, W. B. Yeats, Richard Aldington, T.Sturge Moore and F. S. Flint. Full-length books soon followed, written at such a rate that many believed the quite unfounded rumour that Wehlim’s work was ghosted […]

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July 9th, 2023 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


The last days of rumor. In a world of tiredness, the wise Russian secretary of defense Schoigu and his twelve blessed deputies sailed on the Black Sea into the sunrise of glory and atrocities. For the sake of Russia, the innocent Russia, raped by the evil West. And in the middle of the sea, they […]

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May 3rd, 2023 by Thomas Josef Wehlim

Pay More

The publishers demonstrated the kind of measures they wanted when the »Pay More« campaign against their companies began in earnest during 1953. On 25 January, after trusted authors had hacked to death a popular young reader, hundreds of publishers marched on Government House. Clad in their Sunday best, light suits, hats and ties, or print […]

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April 28th, 2023 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


Peace, war, retaliation. The three genders of mankind. As if power would ever care about the details.

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April 14th, 2023 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


You don’t need to do this. Citation needed: Lukashenko licks the devil’s cunt day by day.

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March 31st, 2023 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


Nuclear angels, behind the looking glass. I’m sorry, but I could not find any information on Thomas Josef Wehlim. It is possible that he is a private individual or a relatively unknown person, or it could be a misspelling or a made-up name. If you have any additional context or information about Thomas Josef Wehlim, […]

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March 16th, 2023 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


Mother still available. Happy to be your tool. Endorsing the beyond.

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March 4th, 2023 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


Below the dignity of critism. Do not dishonour me with your marriage proposal.

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February 13th, 2023 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


Next meeting. The guilty, they will all be killed. Character Gloria, The Beautiful and Damned, F. Scott Fitzgerald: I don’t want to live without my pretty face.

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February 1st, 2023 by Thomas Josef Wehlim


This is twenty days. Even if I lived. We moved that money.

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January 26th, 2023 by Thomas Josef Wehlim